You must be logged into your free cancer academy account to click into the education offers listed below.
Welcome to the Lung Academy, featuring blended learning offers developed by the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance. All content here is aligned with the levels of practice and capabilities outlined in the ACCEND framework. Upon enrolling in any of these offers, your progress will be automatically recorded in your ePortfolio.
Click here for more details on the work being done by the Lung Pathway Board.
This education was commissioned by and co-designed with the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance Early Diagnosis Team and produced by GatewayC. GatewayC is a free early cancer diagnosis resource.
© Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance 2024. Content on this gateway has been produced and collated by a number of partners to support those working across all care settings. Whilst we welcome any feedback about the quality of the content, we are not able to answer any specific patient related queries.