Psychological Care Level 2 Modules

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This course comprises of 5 psychological care level 2 modules.

Each module will take you through the different aspects of Psychological Care Level 2 training needed to help you identify signs of psychological distress in patients diagnosed with cancer.

  • Module 1: Assessing psychological distress and anxiety
  • Module 2: Assessing low mood and depression
  • Module 3: Implementing basic psychological interventions for anxiety
  • Module 4: Implementing psychological interventions for low mood and depression
  • Module 5: Sources of support / Signposting / Onward referral

Audience: This course is aimed at intermediate level allied health professionals and clinical nurse specialist who work with cancer patients.

Requirements: You will need to have completed Advanced Communication Skills training in order to access this course.

Book Psychology Level 2 face to face training session here