Welcome to the hive of cancer education


We’re ‘buzzing’ to be sharing with you the latest education venture at Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance. The Greater Manchester Cancer Academy – the hive of cancer education – will promote lifelong learning for cancer care. We have so many exciting things to share with you and different ways to get involved. 

Take a tour of our Cancer Academy website where you will be able to explore a variety of educational offerings – there is something for all types of learner with delivery via: 

Modules: online learning that can be accessed on any device, at anytime 

Webinars: short, interactive seminars that can be watched live or on-demand

Events: held face to face for sharing best practice and networking

Skills Labs: hands-on practical sessions to assess technique

Look out for the CPD logo on our educational offerings to see how many credits you can earn.

Coming soon is our Cancer Academy ePortfolio, where you will be able to upload your CPD certificates with many additional benefits. Even if you’re a busy bee moving around a lot, you’ll have a central hive to log your education and training. More details will be released soon!

We are kicking of our first academy in Urology and you can find out more information, including reviewing the Training Needs Analysis conducted on our website. We haven’t stopped at Urology! Our Acute Oncology Academy is currently being developed with offerings spanning across other pathways; Psychology, Lung, Neuro-Oncology, Sarcoma and many more are currently underway. 

For the latest updates on education and training, create your profile on the GM Cancer Academy website and specify your interest areas for the latest updates to your inbox. 

Interested in being involved? We have an Expert Advisory Group where we meet with clinicians across all care settings, subject matter experts, higher education institutes and patients to shape our work. If you’d like to find out more or get involved with a future academy then please contact gmcancer.academy@nhs.net


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