Elevating Cancer Care

We exist to inspire, educate and improve our health and social care workforce

GM Cancer Academy

Greater Manchester Cancer Academy is the education provider for Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance. Part of the workforce and education programme, it was founded to develop a sustainable lifelong learning model to support our current and future workforce – equipping them with the skills and tools necessary provide the best patient care, instill an empowerment culture of taking control of your own learning.

The Academy offers a range of offers that span all care settings and professional groupings, all driven by workforce need. Each year we create a ‘blueprint’ that shows the areas of education we will be developing. Click here to view the blueprint for 24/25.

In addition to supporting educational development through the Cancer Alliance and wider networks, the Academy plays a key role in delivering essential components of the workforce and education programme. This programme, which aligns with the Long Term Workforce Plan, particularly emphasises ACCEND. All learning is inclusive, quality assured, and mapped to the ACCEND framework so the workforce can upload it into their ePortfolio

greater manchester cancer academy informational table at an event

Connecting Across the System

Our healthcare workforce need to understand many different specialties, from cancer to mental health, no matter their role or setting. To help them learn in the best way, our training needs to cover a wide range of conditions, not just cancer. 

To make the best use of resources and avoid repeating efforts, we lead several regional and national groups.

  • GM Health and Care Academies Network: where educational providers in Greater Manchester meet every two months to find ways to work together.
  • National Cancer Academies Newsletter: a quarterly update that shares what cancer academies across the country are doing, helping us reach the right people and avoid duplicating work.
daughter with her mother undergoing treatment for cancer

Meet the Team

Molly Pipping

Molly Pipping

Senior Programme Lead for Education

Suzanne Lilley

Suzanne Lilley

Programme Director for Workforce and Education

Claire Clarkson

Claire Clarkson

Cancer Academy Programme Lead

Henry Sloman

Henry Sloman

EDI Educator

Ellen Macwilliams

Ellen Macwilliams

Education Programme Support Officer (Returning Feb-25)

Tilly Hewitt

Tilly Hewitt

Education Programme Support Officer

Susie Graham

Susie Graham

Education and Marketing Coordinator