The Greater Manchester Cancer Academy is the education arm of GM Cancer Alliance and sits within the Workforce and Education portfolio of work. A strategy has been developed which sees the Academy responsible for delivery of specific components – click here to view our Blueprint for 23/24.
The Cancer Academy is the independent digital hub for cancer education across Greater Manchester and supports delivery of the NHS People Plan and the Long Term Plan ambitions for cancer services. The Academy provides a mechanism to standardise training, education and career frameworks for our current and future non-medical workforce across all settings to deliver the best cancer care for patients.
Greater Manchester Cancer Education Collaborative principles for delivery
NHS England » Online version of the People Plan for 2020/2021
NHS England » NHS Long Term Plan
The GM Cancer Academy offers immersive and engaging cancer education in a variety of forms to suit all types of learner including modules, events, webinars and skills labs.
Each cancer sub-speciality will have its own dedicated Cancer Academy, completely driven by the needs of you; our cancer workforce.
As the hive for cancer education in Greater Manchester, we will offer a ‘cancer education directory’ that will enable seamless signposting to quality assured educational offerings.
ACCEND and the ePortfolio
We value our workforce, and to assist with your progression we have launched an ePortfolio; a mechanism to encourage the non-medical workforce to be in-control of their career. Your education profile will be in the palm of your hand with the potential for storing educational achievements, journal entries and appraisals.